Customer Products

Product Name LBS/CU’ Size Flowability
Angle of Repose
Characteristics Feeder Type
Adipic Acid 45 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Hygroscopic, Mildly Corrosive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Alfalfa Meal 17 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Very light and fluffy Belt Feeder
Almonds, Broken or Whole 28-30 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Degradable Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Alum, fine 45-50 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Alum, lumpy 50-60 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Alumina 60 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Aluminum Chips 7.0-15 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder
Aluminum Hydrate 18 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Aluminum Ore (bauxite) 75-85 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Aluminum Oxide 67-120 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Mildly abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Aluminum Silicate 49 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Ammonium Chloride, crystalline 52 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Ammonium Nitrate 45 * * * *
Ammonium Sulphate 45-58 * * * *
Antimony Powder ** Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Apple Pomace, dry 15 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Very light and fluffy Belt Feeder
Arsenate of lead ** * * * *
Arsenic, pulverized 30 * * * *
Arsenic Oxide 100-120 * * * *
Asbestos Ore or Rock 81 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive, Emits harmful dust or fumes Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Asbestos Shred 20-25 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Very light and fluffy, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Ashes, coal, dry, 1/2″ and under 35-40 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Ashes, coal, dry, 3″ and under 35-40 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Ashes, coal, wet, 1/2″ and under 45-50 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Ashes, coal, wet, 3″ and under 45-50 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Asphalt, crushed 1/2″ and under 45 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Bagasse 7.0-10 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Very light and fluffy, interlock or mats, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Bakelite, fine 30-40 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Baking Powder 41 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Barite 180 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Barium Carbonate 72 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Bark, wood refuse 10.0-20 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Barely 38 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder
Baryte 180 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Bauxite, crushed 3″ or under 75-85 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Beans, castor whole 36 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Beans, castor meal 36 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Beans, navy dry 48 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Beans, navy steeped 60 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Bentonite, crude 34-40 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Bentonite, 100 mesh and under 50-60 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Benzine Hexachloride 56 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Emits harmful dust or fumes Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Bicarbonate of Soda 41 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Blood, dried 35-45 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Bluestone 120-150 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Bones 35-50 * * * *
Boneblack, 100 mesh and under 20-25 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Bonechar, 1/8″ and under 27-40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Bonemeal 55-60 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Borate of Lime ** Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Borax, fine 53 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Boric Acid, fine 55 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Bran 16-20 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust, Very light and fluffy Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Bread Crumbs ** Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Bronze Chips 30-50 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Buckwheat 40-42 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Calcium Carbide 70-80 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Calcium Lactate 26-29 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Degradable, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Carbon Black, pelletized 20-25 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Degradable, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Carbon Black, powder 4.0-6.0 * * * *
Carborundum, 3″ and under 100 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Casein 36 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cashew Nuts 32-37 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cast Iron Chips 130-200 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cement, Portland 65-85 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Cement Clinker 75-80 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Chalk, Lumpy 85-90 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Chalk, 100 mesh and under 70-75 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid, Packs under Pressure Auger Feeder
Charcoal 18-25 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Degradable Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Chrome Ore 120-140 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cinders, blast furnace 57 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cinders, coal 40 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Clay 50-60 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Clay, calcined 80 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive, Emits harmful dust or fumes Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Clay, fine dry 100-120 * * * *
Clay, lumpy loose 60-75 * * * *
Clover Seed 48 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Coal, anthracite 60 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Coal, anthracite (River or Culm) 60 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Coal, bituminous (50 mesh and under) 50 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Mildly corrosive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Coal, bituminous (run of mine) 50 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Mildly corrosive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Coal, bituminous (sized) 50 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Mildly corrosive, degradable Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Coal, bituminous slack 50 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Mildly corrosive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Coal, bituminous stripped 50 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Mildy abrasive, Mildly corrosive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Coal Char 24 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Contains explosive dust, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Cocoa Beans 30-40 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cocoa Nibs 35 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cocoa Powder 30-35 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Cocoanut, shredded 20-22 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder
Coffee, chaff 20 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Very light and fluffy, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Coffee, green beans 30-40 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Coffee, ground 25 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Coffee, roasted bean 22-26 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Coffee, soluble 19 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contaminable, Hygroscopic, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Coke, loose 23-32 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Very abrasive, Degradable, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Coke, calcined petroleum 35-45 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Coke Breeze, 1/4″ and under 25-35 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Compost 28 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Highly corrosive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Copper Ore 120-150 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Copper Sulphate ** Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Copra, lumpy 22 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Copra Cake, lumpy 25-30 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Copra Cake, ground 40-45 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Copra Meal 40-45 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cork, fine ground 12.0-15 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Very light and fluffy, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Cork, granulated 12.0-15 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Corn, cracked 45-50 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Corn, seed 45 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust, degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Corn, shelled 45 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Corn, germs 21 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Corn, grits 40-45 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Corn Sugar 31 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cornmeal 38-40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cottonseed, de-linted dry 35 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cottonseed, dry 18-25 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cottonseed Cake, lumpy 40-45 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cottonseed Flakes 20-25 * * * *
Cottonseed Hulls 12 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Very light and fluffy Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cottonseed Meal 35-40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Cottonseed Meats 40 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cracklings, crushed 3″ and under 40-50 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cryolite 110 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Cullet 80-120 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Detergent Soap 15-50 * * * Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Diatomaceous Earth 11.0-14 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid, Packs under Pressure Auger Feeder
Dicalcium Phosphate 43 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Disodium Phosphate 25-31 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Dolomite, lumpy 90-100 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Ebonite, crushed 1/2″ and under 65-70 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Egg Powder 16 * * * *
Epsom Salts 45-50 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Feldspar, ground 1/8″ and under 65-70 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Feldspar, powdered 75 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Ferrous Sulphate 50-75 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Fish Meal 35-40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Fish Scrap 45 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder
Flaxseed 45 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Flaxseed Cake, expeller 48-50 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Flaxseed Meal 25 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Flour, wheat 35-40 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Contaminable Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Flue Dust, dry 35-45 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Very abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Fluorspar 82 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Fly Ash, dry 35 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Very abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Gelatin, granulated 32 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Degradable Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Gilsonite 37 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive, Contains explosive dust Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Glass Batch 90-100 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Glue, ground 1/8″ and under 40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Glue, pearl 40 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Gluten Meal 40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Grains, distillery, dry spent 30 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Very light and fluffy Belt Feeder
Graphite, flake 40 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Graphite, flour 28 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Graphite, broken 95-100 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Grape Pumace 15-20 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Very light and fluffy Belt Feeder
Grass Seed 10.0-12 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust, very light and fluffy Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Gravel, screened 90-100 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Gypsum, calcined 1/2″ and under 55-60 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Gypsum, calcined powdered 60-80 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Gypsum, raw 1″ and under 90-100 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Hominy 37 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Hops, spent dry 35 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder
Hops, spent wet 50-55 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Mildly corrosive Belt Feeder
Ilemnite Ore 140 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Iron Ore 125-150 * * * *
Kaolin Clay, 3″ and under 163 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Kaolin Talc, 100 mesh and under 42-56 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Lactose 32 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contaminable, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Lead Arsenate 72 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Emits harmful dust or fumes Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Lignite, air dried 45-55 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Lignite, raw 40-45 * * * *
Lime, ground 1/2″ and under 60 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Lime, hydrated 1/2″ and under 40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid, Packs under Pressure Auger Feeder
Lime, hydrated pulverized 32-40 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid, Packs under Pressure Auger Feeder
Lime, pebble 36-53 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Limestone, ag. 1/2″ and under 68 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Limestone Crushed 85-90 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Limstone Dust 75 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Lithopone 45-50 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Magnesium Chloride 33 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Malt, ground dry 1/2″ and under 22 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Contains explosive dust, Very light and fluffy Belt Feeder
Malt, whole dry 27-30 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Malt, wet or green 60-65 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Malt Meal 36-40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Manganese Dioxide 80 * * * *
Manganese Ore 125-140 * * * *
Maganese Sulphate 70 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Marble, crushed 1/2″ and under 90-95 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Marl 80 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Mica, ground 13-15 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Mica, pulverized 13-15 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Mica, flakes 17-22 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Mildly abrasive, Very light and fluffy, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Milk, dried flake 5.0-6 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contaminable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Milk, malted 30-35 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Contaminable, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Milk, whole powdered 20 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Hygroscopic, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Monosodium Phosphate 50 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Muriate of potash 77 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Mustard Seed 45 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Naphthalene Flakes 45 * * * *
Niacin 35 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Nickel Sulfate 120-130 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Emits harmful fumes or dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Nickel-Cobalt Sulphate Ore 70-80 * * * *
Oats 26 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Oats, rolled 19 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust, very light and fluffy Belt Feeder
Orange Peel, dry 15 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder
Oxalic Acid Crystalls 60 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Hygroscopic Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Oyster Shells, ground under 1/2″ 53 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Oyster Shells, whole ** Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Peanuts, in shell 15-20 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, degradable Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Peanuts, shelled 35-45 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Peas, dried 45-50 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Phosphate Rock 75-85 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Phosphate Sand 90-100 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Polystyrene Beads 40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Potassium Carbonate 51 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Potassium Chloride, pellets 120-130 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Potassium Nitrate 76 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Potassium Sulphate 42-48 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Pumice, 1/8″ and under 42-45 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Pyrites, pellets 120-130 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Rice, hulled or polished 45-48 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Rice, rough 36 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Rice, grits 42-45 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Rouge Powder ** Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Very abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Rubber, pelletized 50-55 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Rubber, reclaim 25-50 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Rye 44 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive,Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Salicylic Acid 29 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Hygroscopic Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Salt, common coarse 45-50 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive, Hygroscopic Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Salt, common fine 70-80 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Mildly corrosive, Hygroscopic Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Salt Cake, dry coarse 85 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Salt Cake, dry pulverized 65-85 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Saltpeter 80 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Sand, bank dry 90-110 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Sand, bank damp 110-130 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Sand, foundry prepared 90 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Sand, foundry shakeout 90 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Sand, silica dry 90-100 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Very Free Flowing- Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Sawdust 10.0-13 * * * Belt Feeder
Sesame Seed 27 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Shale, crushed 85-90 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Shellac, powdered or granulated 31 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contaminable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Silica Gel 45 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Slag, granular furnace 60-65 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Slag, lumpy furnace 160-180 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Sluggish- Very abrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Slate, 1/2″ and under 80-90 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Slate, 1/8″ and under 82 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soap Beads or Granules ** Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soap Chips 15-25 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Degeradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soap Detergents 15-50 * * * Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soap Flakes 5.0-15 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soap Powder 20-25 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soapstone Talc, fine 40-50 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Soda Ash, heavy 55-65 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soda Ash, Light 20-35 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Very light and fluffy Belt Feeder
Sodium Nitrate 70-80 * * * *
Sorgum Seed 47-52 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soybeans, cracked 30-40 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soybreans, whole 45-50 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Mildly abrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soybean Cake, over 1/2″ 40-43 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Soybean Flakes, raw 20-26 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Very light and fluffy Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soybean Flakes, spent 18-20 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, very light and fluffy Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soybean Flour 27 * * * *
Soybean Meal, cold 40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Soybean Meal, hot 40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Mildly corrosive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Starch 25-50 * * * *
Steel Chips, crushed 100-150 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Steel Turnings 75-150 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Very abrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder
Sugar, granulated 50-55 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contaminable, degradable Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Sugar, powdered 50-60 * * * Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Sugar, raw cane 55-65 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Sulphur, crushed 1/2″ and under 50-60 Granular- 1/2″ and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Sulphur, 3″ and under 80-85 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Sulphur, powdered 50-60 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Taconite, pellets 116-130 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive, Degradable Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Talcum Powder 40-60 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Aerates and becomes fluid Auger Feeder
Tanbark, ground 55 * * * *
Tankage 60-70 * * * *
Timothy Seed 36 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust, Very light and fluffy Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Titanium Sponge 60-70 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Very abrasive Belt Feeder
Traprock, crushed 105-110 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder
Trisodium Phosphate 60 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Triple Super Phosphate 50-55 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive, Highly corrosive, Emits harmful dust or fumes Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Tung Nut Meats, crushed 25 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Vermiculite, expanded 16 Granular- 1/2″ and under Sluggish- Mildly abrasive, Interlocks or mats Belt Feeder
Vermiculite Ore 80 Lumpy- contain lumps > 1/2″ Free Flowing- 30-45 Mildly abrasive Belt Feeder, Vibratory Pan
Walnut Shells, crushed 35-40 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Wheat 45-48 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Wheat Germ 28 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Nonabrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Wheat, cracked 40-45 Granular- 1/2″ and under Very Free Flowing- Nonabrasive, Contains explosive dust Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Wood Chips 10.0-30 Irregualr- being fibrous, stringy Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Very light and fluffy, interlock or mats, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Wood Flour 16-36 * * * Belt Feeder
Zinc Concentrate Residue 75-80 Fine- 1/8″ mesh and under Free Flowing- 30-45 Very Abrasive Gravity Gate, Belt Feeder, Gravity Vibratory, Vibratory Pan
Zinc Ore, crushed 160 * * * *
Zinc Oxide, heavy 30-35 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Nonabrasive, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder
Zinc Oxide, light 10.0-15 Very Fine- 100 mesh and under Sluggish- Very light and fluffy, Packs under Pressure Belt Feeder